All-terrain vehicles (ATVs) can be a great source of fun for adventure seekers. These vehicles are designed for riding on off-road paths and are useful for carrying loads and supplies.

Though they are fun to ride and can make carrying loads easier, however, ATVs are also dangerous. Operating an ATV without proper precautions in place can lead to serious injuries and property damage. To remain safe while riding an ATV, follow these tips.

  • Attend ATV instruction courses to learn more about operating your vehicle.
  • Read the owner’s manual carefully before attempting to ride, and ensure that all riders understand how to remain safe.
  • Never allow others to ride on an ATV with you.
  • Do not carry attachments or loads unless you are properly trained to do so.
  • Never operate an ATV while under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol.
  • Wear a helmet that is designed specifically for riding an ATV. Be sure to wear eye protection, gloves, boots, and long-sleeved shirts to protect yourself as well.
  • Scan ahead to identify hazards such as rocks, fallen branches, fences, wires, and unstable surfaces.
  • Be on guard for unexpected hazards, such as wildlife and other riders.
  • Drive at a moderate speed, and take weather conditions and the terrain into account.
  • Shift your weight when making turns and riding up and down hills..

Listen to the Manufacturer

Because injuries sustained on ATVs can be severe, it is critical that you and your family abide by the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding who is eligible to ride. Generally, no one under age 16 should ride an ATV with an engine larger than 90CC. Children under age 12 should ride ATVs with engine sizes between 70CC and 90CC, and children under age six should ride ATVs with engines 70CCs or smaller.

For more personal risk management guidance, contact us today.


This flyer is for informational purposes only and is not intended as professional advice. © 2008, 2013, 2016, 2021 Zywave, Inc. All rights reserved.