Virtual Workplace Holiday Parties

Virtual Workplace Holiday Parties

At the end of the calendar year, workplace holiday celebrations are an experience that many employees look forward to as a highlight of the season. These celebrations are often a long-standing tradition allowing employees to celebrate with their colleagues—and...
Preparing for Flu Season During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Preparing for Flu Season During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Each year, the seasonal flu has a marked impact on businesses and employers, causing increased absenteeism, decreased productivity and higher health care costs. The past few flu seasons have seen high hospitalization and mortality rates, which has public health...
Preparing for a Second Wave of COVID

Preparing for a Second Wave of COVID

Even as stay-at-home orders and restrictions are lifted, daily operations won’t be business-as-usual for many across the country. The coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is still going on, despite businesses reopening. Moreover, public health officials and experts are...
Cyber Attacks – A Growing Business Interruption Threat

Cyber Attacks – A Growing Business Interruption Threat

When you think about what usually causes a business interruption, natural disasters such as fires, earthquakes and floods probably come to mind first. These events can physically damage your property and equipment, making your workspace unusable for a time. The...
How Coronavirus Could Impact Your Business’s Insurance

How Coronavirus Could Impact Your Business’s Insurance

The new coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak continues to be a top-of-mind concern for organizations and individuals across the globe. As COVID-19 becomes increasingly widespread, it’s not only raising fears about the well-being of the general public, but it’s also...
Putnam Insurance: What Makes You Unique?

Putnam Insurance: What Makes You Unique?

Putnam Insurance: What Makes You Unique? Putnam County, Florida is a beautiful place to live, raise a family, and retire. There is a lot to love about this area, which offers a slower pace of life when compared to many of the larger cities throughout the state. Here...